drivebelts of your car:
The basic requirements /Part 2/.
Belts of a drive of auxiliary units.
As it is specified above, happen V-belts and Poly-V-belts (they flat, they stream). Let's try compare their advantages and lacks.
V- belts though are considered as archaism, have some conclusive advantages. They are much cheaper flat, easily vary and actuate, as a rule one auxiliary unit. That is, at breakage, say, drivebelt of the compressor of the conditioner, other auxiliary units will continue to work. Besides V- belts stretch simple displacement of pulleys from each other so, application of tension and directing rollers do not demand. In an emergency situation V- belt it is possible to try to replace a belt any improvised means, for example, a piece of a cord or an old stocking. V- belts it is possible to carry a low resource and necessity to lacks to regulate their tension in process of their deterioration.
Poly-V-belts are considered as more modern and on the majority of cars of last years of release they are applied. Poly-V-belts it is possible to carry greater service life to advantages, than at V- belts, automatic adjustment of their tension by means of roller belt tension and ability to transmit much greater effort, than V- belts that enables to actuate all auxiliary units by means of one Poly-V-belt, as, for example, in engine AAA (VR6) from Volkswagen. However, in my opinion, all advantages Poly-V-belts turn around also their lacks. Poly-V-belts in times are more expensive V- belts, at their replacement it is necessary to change one or several tension and directing rollers, and sometimes and belt tension with a roller in gathering. Breakage Poly-V-belt actuating all auxiliary units leads to impossibility to continue movement because to go with idle simultaneously the generator, the pump of the hydraulic booster and a pomp of system of cooling of the engine do not impossibil. However, to motor-car manufacturers is more visible, and V- belts depart in the past, superseded Poly-V-belts. By the way, I shall notice, that interests of motor-car manufacturers and automobile owners at all always coincide, therefore not the fact, that flat belts really so it is better V- belts, how much they are more expensive.
Though so strict demands as to belts GDM, their duly replacement assists to avoid set of fine troubles as that also are not made to belts of a drive of auxiliary units: drivings without the hydraulic booster of a rudder, driving without the generator on the accumulator, drivings in a heat without the conditioner and, at last, standings on a roadside pending while will be cooled down "begun to boil" as a result of breakage drivebelt of a water pomp with the engine. Therefore to change belts of a drive of auxiliary units it is necessary, as well as belts GDM, according to instructions of a manufacturer. Together with Poly-V-belts tension and directing rollers without fail are a subject to replacement. To avoid unpleasant surprises use only original drivebelt and rollers.

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