Check of a technical condition of a drivebelt of auxiliary units .
Each engine is completed with a belt of a drive of auxiliary units. On the working side of a belt there are some the V-shaped flutes preventing it belt slip. Such belt refers to poky-V-belt. Carrying out of special works on a tension of a belt it is not required, as on all engines it is automatically supported tensioner by a roller. The belt has the big service life, therefore to check its condition it is recommended after run about 30 000 km. However in the car always it is necessary to have a spare belt.

" 30 000 km 2 years "
1. Switch off ignition.
2. Mark a belt chalk in well looked through place ( on page - arrow).
3. Install the lever of switching of transfers to neutral position.
4. Brake the car a lay brake.
5. Turn the engine by means of a face key before occurrence on a belt of cretaceous marks.
6. Turn some more time a cranked shaft. Only so you will manage to see all belt. Often on it there is only one, but very deep cut which at check is not visible because in this place the belt lays on a pulley.
7. Check up an external surface of a belt.
8. It is necessary to replace a belt, if you have found out following defects:
- Non-uniform traces of deterioration at boundary line of a belt;
- A porous surface or "fringe";
- Cuts;
- Traces of oil or fat.
The information was given by beltdrive.50webs.com
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