The basic requirements
In modern cars some kinds drivebelts are applied.
Here we shall consider only major of them, not touching such exotic, as for example, variator belts.
To destination they can be undressed into 2 groups:
- Belts of a drive of gas-distribution mechanism (belts GDM)
- Belts of a drive of auxiliary units.
On a design on 3 kinds: gas-distribution mechanism
- Gear belts. Are applied, as a rule, to a drive of mechanism GDM
- Flat Poly-V- belts. Are applied to a drive of auxiliary units
- V-belts. Are applied to a drive of auxiliary units.
Part 1. Belts of a drive of the gas-distribution mechanism
To belts GDM the highest requirements by way of reliability and longevity because breakage of belt GDM conducts to very serious to consequences in the form of fault valves, heads of the block of cylinders and, sometimes, pistons are applied. Differently, breakage of a belt, cost up to 50 dollars leads to repair in cost not less than 1500 dollars. Conversations that, say, there are engines in which design the opportunity of breakage of belt GDM is specially stipulated and on such engines breakage of any catastrophic consequences does not carry all, are no more, than the bosh which has been thought up for self-complacency by those to whom it is banal it is a pity money for servicing of the car.

Use only original belts GDM. In this case no economy can cover consequences of breakage of poor-quality, defective or counterfeit belt GDM.
Change belt GDM strictly according to recommendations of the manufacturer. It is written " to change time in 80 000 km ", means we change time in 80 000 km. Any reasonings of irresponsible "masters" a theme that " it "looks as new and still resembles " in calculation to accept does not follow. Anybody from these "masters" subsequently will not make to you repair at own expense.
Always change all tension and directing rollers of belt GDM. Besides, any assurances that " this roller 100 000 more will pass" in calculation to accept does not follow for the reasons specified above. Keep in mind, that, for example, BMW in the recommendations specifies, that in case of removal of belt GDM for any reason, it is a subject to replacement, without dependence from when it changed before.
Do not rely on the memory. Write down run of the car at the moment of replacement of belt GDM. For this purpose there are the special tablets-labels pasted on a visible place in a motor compartment of the car.
Replacement of belt GDM is better to make at the authorized dealers. I am far from an idea, that the authorized dealer is the best variant among car-care centers, but for the works they even give a guarantee and, in case of problems with belt GDM, you can take advantage of this guarantee.
If you managed the second-hand car with unknown history at once change not only oil, but also belt GDM (if it, certainly, on the given engine is). Selling the second-hand car people are not inclined to invest in preselling preparation.

The information was given by beltdrive.50webs.com
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