Adjustment of a tension teaze a belt of a drive of the generator
Tension of a belt of the generator of engine OHV

1 - a pulley of a cranked shaft;
2 - a pulley of the water pump;
3 - a pulley of the generator
Tension of a belt of the generator of engine CVH

1 - a pulley of a cranked shaft;
2 - a pulley of the generator
Tension of a belt of the generator of the diesel engine

1 - a pulley of a cranked shaft;
2 - a pulley of the water pump;
3 - a pulley of the generator
The tension teaze a belt is measured by means of the special measuring device on the cold engine.
The belt is considered was in the use if it has worked at least 10 minutes.
At absence of the measuring device check of a tension of a belt can be made pressing of the big finger of a hand the longest branch of a belt. To a correct tension there meets a deflection of a belt about 10 mm. teaze the belt with shabby edges, anguishes, cracks and traces scorch is a subject to replacement.
1. To let off two bolts of fastening of the generator to the engine.
2. To let off a tension bolt and to move the generator to the engine, if a tension of a belt more demanded, or from the engine if the tension is not enough.
3. To delay a tension bolt and, then, bolts of fastening of the generator to the engine.
Tension of a new belt:
- Engine OHV 400 ± 150 Н
- Engine CVH 300 ± 150 Н
Tension of the belt was in the use:
- Engine OHV 450 ± 150 Н
- Engine CVH 350 ± 150 Н
The information was given by beltdrive.50webs.com
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