Replacement of belt of gas-distribution mechanism (GDM) Replacement of belts GDM concerns to difficult technical operation which should be carried out at presence of the special equipment and the tool. As a rule, these works are carried out at carrying out of the big maintenance service. Besides replacement of belts of gas-distribution mechanism at a plenty of cars occurs to replacement of rollers, a pomp and omentums. Features of works depend on mark of the car and conditions of operation. It is necessary to be convinced of correctness of selection of a belt as on some engines belts of different types are installed, from a various kind tooth . If deterioration of an old belt is great so, that is not clear, what tooth were, it is necessary to be defined on tooth of pinion gear a cam-shaft.
The diagram of an arrangement of components of drive GDM1 - the Adjusting scale
2 - the Label of position TDP of the piston of the first cylinder*
3 - the Tension roller
4 - Automatic tensioner of drivebelt
5 - Adjusting labels
6 - the Label of position TDP of the piston of the first cylinder **
7 - the Cogwheel of a camshaft of the left head of cylinders
8 - the Pulley of a drive of the water pump
9 - the Intermediate cogwheel №2
10 - the Belt of drive GDM
11 - the Cogwheel of a cranked shaft
12 - Intermediate rollers
13 - the Cogwheel of a camshaft of the right head of cylinders
* the Piston of the first cylinder is in TDP when the label of position of the piston on a cogwheel of a cranked shaft is combined with an adjusting label on the block of cylinders.
** the Piston of the first cylinder is in TDP the end of a step of compression when the label of position of the piston on a cogwheel of a camshaft is combined with an adjusting label on a cover of drive GDM.
Generalize procedure of replacement of belt GDM (without taking into account mark of the car) can be presented as follows:
Removal of belt GDM: • To switch-off a wire of "weight" from the accumulator battery. To turn away fastening a casing of the fan, to remove the fan. To remove a casing of the fan.
• To remove a pulley of the water pump.
• To turn away fixing bolts, to remove a cover drivebelt .
• To turn away a nut of the tension device and to wring out supporting roller back. To block a spring in the given position.
• To turn away fixing bolts and to remove a pulley of a cranked shaft.
• Cautiously to remove a belt.
Belt it is necessary to replace everyone of 45000, 60000, 72000, 90000 km of run (depending on the engine of the car). It is necessary to replace it also in case it has frayed, has become impregnated with oil or if it has been installed on the car, being some time for preservation.
Installation of belt GDM:
• If at the removed belt was set in motion a cranked shaft, intermediate or a camshaft for maintenance of corresponding position of valves and installations of the moments of ignition to expose each shaft on labels as follows .
And. To turn a cranked shaft so that a label on a cogwheel of a drive of a belt coincided with a label on a forward cover (position of 12 hours).
. To turn an intermediate shaft so that a point on a cogwheel of a drive of an additional shaft coincided with a label on a back cover drivebelt (position 4 hours).
Century To turn a camshaft so that the label on a cogwheel of a drive of an internal belt coincided with a label on a forward cover of valves (position of 12 hours).
• To install drivebelt all over again on cogwheels (to use sharp adaptations it is not recommended), and then on a roller of the tension device. On new belts there are labels. Lines on drivebelt should coincide with labels on cranked to a shaft. The following label should coincide with a label on intermediate to a shaft. To weaken a nut of the tension device (sagging of a belt the spring will remove). To crackdown a nut of the tension device.
• Having turned a cranked shaft clockwise on 1 full turn, it is necessary to be convinced, that adjusting labels coincide still.
• To clear a surface of a cover drivebelt and to install a new lining. The ordered moment to tighten bolts.

• To install a pulley of the water pump, drivebelts, the compressor of the conditioner, the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering drive and the generator.
• To install the fan and its casing. To install belts of a drive of units. To connect a wire of "weight" to an accumulator battery. To start the engine. To watch, that there were no leaks.

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