and installation of toothed belt Ford Sierra 1982-1993.
F1g.1. Serpentine Belt Diagram: system of gas distribution Ford Sierra 1982-1993. 1 - crankshaft pulley, 2 - toothed belt, 3 - pulley of a lay shaft, 4 - lay shaft, 5 - pulley of a camshaft, 6 - camshaft, 7 - lever of the valve, 8 - spring of the lever of the valve, 9 - bolt with a spherical tip (a bearing part of the lever of the valve), 10 - valve, 11 - toothed belt tightener
At performance of work do not forget will be verified with serpentine belt diagramme Ford Sierra 1982-1993.Look: all4you-motor.freehostia.com
1. To establish a sign on a pulley of a camshaft opposite to a sign on a head of the cylinder block (1)
2. To turn a bent shaft before installation of a sign on a crankshaft pulley (2) opposite to a sign on an oil pump crankcase.
3. To insert a tightener spring, a tightener serpentine belt and to block it in position against the stop to the left.
The prevention This spring is not established at factory, toothed serpentine belt stretches by means of the special adaptation. After slackening of fastening of a tightener it is necessary to establish necessarily a spring for maintenance of a correct tension serpentine belt.
4. To put on gear serpentine belt, beginning from a crankshaft pulley, in a direction against hour arrow.Read more...

F1g.2. Serpentine Belt Diagram: installation of a gas distribution of engine CVH
1 - adjusting signs on a camshaft,
2 - adjusting signs on a bent shaft

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