This operation carry out, when the belt has served the established norm - 100 000 km of run - or because of its damage: the breakage, cut off cogged pulley. We shall notice, that break of a belt and a stop of a cam-shaft on two-liter eight-valve the motor does not threaten with destruction of pistons, valves, pushers. Even completely open valves "not will get" up to pistons - feature of motors which put on many models "Opel" is those: "Senator", "Omega", "Record", to "Calibre".
From the special tool two are necessary horn a key " on 32 " and "36" for turn away
the fan of a radiator, hex head and, possibly, a plug (or horn a key) with a pharynx of 47 mm for turn of the case of the water pump. In this engine an axis of a pulley of the pump excentric axes of the case. Turning in this or that party{side} in the block of cylinders the case of the water pump, it is possible to displace a pulley and thus to pull a gear belt.
Jobs are better for carrying out on the lift though it is simple to make all and on a floor. We disconnect from the storage battery a "minus" wire. From a fuse expansion a tank of system of cooling we disconnect wires of the gauge of a level. Under the car from the right side of a radiator the bottom hose of a supply of water is disconnected and merged it in a wide bath (in two-liter engines " Opel " there is no special fuse for plum). It is a little having turned away a fuse expansion a tank, we shall depressurize system that the cooling liquid from a hose and a radiator leak is faster. Turning and turning on a fuse of a tank, it is possible to adjust this stream.
Having easied fastening of two collars, we remove a rubber air line between the filter and a receiver. We disconnect from a casing of the fan a wire, we remove two latches of fastening to a radiator and we take out a casing upwards, accurately dragging the bottom part by blades of the fan (in a casing is special cut-out). The fan it is necessary to arrange so that blades did not prevent this operation.
Under the car a metal brush we clear a groove of the tension device of a belt which results the pump of the hydraulic booster of a rudder, we grease her and by a key " on 19 " it is turned on one of nuts. We screw together against the stop the right nut, we easy a tension of a belt and it is removed it from pulleys. To two horn by keys " on 36 " and " on 32 " it is turned on muff with the fan from a shaft. (attention! On a nut muff the left groove.) the effort is required considerable - the moment of an inhaling is too great. Therefore it is necessary to put on a tube of suitable diameter one key, having extended the lever. Possibly, the assistant is required. If it will not be possible to turn away from the first attempt, try to turn all over again a nut, and then to turn away. Some such cycles will by all means lead to positive result. Then we remove the fan from a shaft.
Under a cowl two keys " on 13 " it is turned on a nut of fastening of the generator to a tension rod. We take out a bolt from a rod, we lift it, we remove the generator and we remove a belt of a drive of the generator and a shaft of the fan. We turn on a key " on 13 " a nut of the bottom fastening of the generator, holding a bolt on the other hand the second key " on 13 ".
We take out a bolt from eyes of the generator and its arm. We take the generator and accurately we put it on a longeron of the car.
We turn on horn a key " on 10 " four bolts, mount a pulley of a drive of the fan to a flange of a shaft, holding last a key " on 32 ". We remove a pulley from a shaft. hex " on 6>> it is turned on four bolts, mount the block of pulleys of a cranked shaft to gear. Thus crankshaft it is better to fix from rotation, having included the fifth transfer. We remove pulleys from a cranked shaft. We unfasten clip-on earrings of fasteners of a casing of a gear belt on internal and external perimeters, helping a screw-driver. We remove two casings from the engine.
We switch off transfer and, rotating a cranked shaft for a bolt a face key " on 17 ", we combine labels on gear pulleys of distributive and cranked shaft with labels on a casing of a gear belt and the bottom part of the block of cylinders (a label on the block and a pulley). hex " on 6 " it is a little turned on three bolts of fastening of the case of the water pump to the block. From above through wooden bolster (or metal bar) cautiously we put some impacts on a ledge of the case of the pump and it is turned it, easying a tension of a belt.
We remove a gear belt, we replace its new and all it is collected in return sequence.
To pull a belt follows until it can be turned fingers on 90. It approximately corresponds to the requirement of a deflection of a belt in the middle of a free branch on 10 mm. We turn on two turns a cranked shaft and we check concurrence of labels. And after that we continue assembly.
Correctly tense belts of the generator and the pump of the hydraulic booster should cave in in the middle of free branches on 5-6 mm. And their sizes are those: the generator - 9,5x950 mm, the amplifier of a rudder - 9,5x850 mm.
We fill system of cooling with a liquid, preliminary having removed a hose bringing it to the case throttle shutter. It is the uppermost point of system of cooling, therefore in her and air will accumulate. That it did not happen, we disconnect here a hose, and the system is quickly filled with a cooling liquid.